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IDEA and IDEAC invite you to IDEA2024

IDEA2024 is a partnership between IDEA and IDEA member in China, IDEAC.


Video invitation from IDEA President: Sanja Krsmanović Tasić 

Video invitation from IDEA2024 Congress Director


IDEA is an international not for profit association. It is the peak body for drama/theatre and education. It operates across time zones, countries and cultures.

IDEA is open to national, regional and international associations and to other institutes, bodies, networks, organisation and individuals working in drama/theatre and education. 

IDEA is an open and inclusive association. IDEA opposes discrimination on the basis of race, colour, national origin, language, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age or disability.

IDEA was founded in Portugal in July 1992 through the initial Congress in Oporto and was registered under Portuguese law in 1994. 

IDEA was formed to foreground drama/theatre and education. 

IDEA has provided an international forum for communicating about, promoting and advocating for drama/theatre and education in schools, communities and all fields of endeavor. It does this through advocacy, publications, projects, research, Young IDEA, congresses and conferences and collaborations.

IDEAC contributes to promoting Drama and Theatre Education in China, providing a national platform for Chinese drama and theatre educators and practitioners to learn and share their practical experience. We are animateurs, promoters, explorers, participants and practitioners of Drama and Theatre Education in China. 


Through introducing advanced drama and theatre approaches and providing practical experiences, we help to develop Drama and Theatre Education researchers, launch Drama and Theatre Education projects, and assisting teaching and research activities for a range of schools, institutions, and kindergartens. We aim at cultivating and training more drama and theatre educators and more teachers interested in using drama and theatre as pedagogy across the curriculum. 

IDEA Rua Bernardo Santareno 2f – 2 k 2825-446 Costa da Caparica.

Borisav Matić, IDEA Administrator





IDEAC, International Drama/Theatre Education Application Cooperation

Room 212, Building No.3, Zhongguancun Internet Culture and Creative Industrial Park, Haidian District, 100080 Beijing, Tel. +86 (010) 5946 6022

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