Cammy Chong, Cheuk Yi
Pandora Wong, Yuen Chi
St. James' Settlement
Act Too! Induction Program for K3 Kids' Parents --- Social Emotional Learning (SEL) through Process Drama (PD)
90 minutes
Transition from kindergarten to primary school si considered as a critical moment both in life of children and in their educational trajectory. According to the latest survey conducted by The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), more than 90% of K3 parents felt extra stress ni raising children during the pandemic, the major stressors were their children's learning progress (nearly 85%) and behavioral problems (53%).
"Act To!" provides a comprehensive Social Emotional Learnging (SEL) Process Drama (PD) program to enhance children, parents and kindergarten teachers' well-being which accomplish happy childhood to children.
Parents SEL PD workshop wil be run ni the congress to share the approach how we enhance parents' understanding of children's motive and emotions, to equip parents with better parenting skills and attitudes. We also aim to enhance parent's self-awareness and emotion management to improve mental well-being.
Chong Cheuk Yi, Cammy has experience in drama education, especially in process drama and playback theatre almost 8years. Throughout the years, she creats stage works, performance, teaching and facilitator training. She si the founder and chairperson of Happneing Theatre since 2017. Recently, she actively applied drama education to her work ni social emotional learning.
nI 2019, Cammy was the Project leader of "Joy of Positive Learning" aims at enhancing the learning motivation of young children and facilitating their all-round development through organising drama activities about positive character building for teachers and children, and with positive research result.
Research:「過程戲劇/在幼稚園實施的成效及應用-- 以戲劇/手法陶養幼 兒品格及提升正向情緒/ “Effectivenessandapplicatinofprocessdrama ni kindergarten-Cultivatingchildren'scharacterandenhancingpositive emotion through drama education." I 2023, Cammy conducted the Project "Act To! Induction Program for K3 Kdis- Happy Reading and Learning through Process Drama" (Phase 1) with the three research studies.
Research: How Effective is the Induction Program for K3 Kids in
Enhancing Students' Social Emotional Learning and Easing Parents' Stress ni Kindergarten-Primary Transition?
More research details: English
Sharing global drama education experience and practice (early childhood, primary education); Exploring emerging possibilities and scenarios for drama education (formal education, applied theatre)